Announcing Snipe-IT v8


Yesterday, we released v8.0.0 of Snipe-IT (and today, the inevitable v8.0.1)! While the feature list looks a little light for a major release, we had to tag it as v8 because the minimum PHP requirement changed – but I’ll explain more about that a bit further down.

First, the fun stuff:

  • Custom fields on checkin/checkout! (Documentation updates coming shortly)
  • Breadcrumbs for better UX
  • Better tooltips to explain icons on very tab-dense screens
  • You can now add arbitrary notes to assets (sort of like a journal)
  • Added Oromo (Ethiopian) as a language (it is not fully translated yet though)
  • Added accessories tab to the asset view so you can easily see what accessories are checked out to that asset
  • Added the ability to selectively send user inventory via the bulk user actions menu
  • Saved custom asset reports

I personally am really excited about the breadcrumb menus. Just in the process of testing the rest of the application to prepare for v8’s release, the experience navigating around was so much faster. We really hope it makes your day easier. Every little sharp edge we can smooth out for our users is a huge victory for us.

Shortly after the v8.0.0 release, we noticed a few folks were having trouble with the upgrade script due to a new library dependency. If you were one of those people affected, v8.0.1 should fix that for you.

Because we switched to rely more heavily on route model binding in Laravel, some of the responses you’ll see in the GUI (not the API) have changed. If a user does not have the ability to access a section (say, accessories) and tries to, you’ll still see the sad panda 403 forbidden page, however if they have the ability to see accessories in general, but your Snipe-IT has full multiple company support enabled, the user will get returned to the index page with an error message if they are not allowed to see that specific accessory or if it doesn’t exist.

This shouldn’t impact anyone’s workflow, but we thought it would be good to let you know so there aren’t any surprises.

Hosted customers will get the new v8 version over the next few weeks, as we slowly roll the fleet to ensure a smooth transition. Any customers who want to be upgraded ahead of the fleet rollout can send an email with your hosted subdomain to and we’ll get you upgraded right away.

What’s Next?

Mobile App: Yep – that’s right. We’re currently working on an official mobile app for Snipe-IT. It’s moving fast and we’re pretty excited about it. It will be open source, and as soon as we have enough to show you, we’ll make that repo public on Github. The mobile app will work on both MacOS and Android.

Now, the less fun technical stuff:

PHP Versions: The minimum PHP version we allowed in Snipe-IT v7.x (PHP 8.1) is now in security updates only (until January 2026) and security fixes for Laravel version (v10) stopped on February 4, 2024. By moving to Laravel 11, Snipe-IT will be in security updates until February 2026. Once we upgrade to Laravel 12, we’ll be good until February 2027. The good news is that the lift from Laravel 11 to Laravel 12 won’t require a major Snipe-IT release, since the PHP requirements won’t change. It will happen in a normal v8.x release without you even knowing!

Docker: We’re hearing from some people that the final v7.1.17 docker image isn’t building for them. We’re not sure why that is, but we’re looking into it. (Works on our machines!) We’d still obviously encourage you to use the v8.0.1 image instead, but we’re trying to see if we can figure out what happened there.

Blank lists: If you are upgrading from pre-v7.1.15 and some of your tables are blank with a javascript error in your console, there is an easy fix:

  • Clear your cookies
  • In your .env change BS_TABLE_STORAGE=cookieStorage to BS_TABLE_STORAGE=localStorage.
  • Clear your config cache (if you use it): php artisan config:clear

You can read more about that on Github, but the short version is that we switched to use local storage instead of cookies for “remembering” column sorting, visibility, etc.

Housekeeping: We’re going to be upgrading the front-end framework soon. This is going to be a ton of work, and probably some folks are going to hate some things about the changes it will bring (that always happens). We’re currently (still) using Bootstrap 3, and a lot of the work we’ve been doing behind the scenes is to make it easier for us to port the front-end with fewer potential bugs.

Until next time!

Alison Gianotto
Founder & Chief Mohawk Officer
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About the author

A. Gianotto

Alison is the founder and CEO of Grokability, Inc, the company that makes the open source product Snipe-IT.

By A. Gianotto

Snipe-IT at Laracon

Open Source in Business Interview

Snipe-IT at Longhorn PHP