
Snipe-IT v7 Retrospective – What Worked, What We Could Have Done better


As you likely know by now, v7 of Snipe-IT dropped a few weeks ago. Those of you who have been with us for a long time know that those major version releases can be pretty tough. When you’re hoisting the underlying framework by several versions, upgrading dependencies, plus adding features, things can get messy fast. Making sure that we cover as many possible versions as possible for our...

The Unlikely Rise of Discord as a Support Channel


A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Snipe-IT used to use a chat platform called Gitter. (It might still exist, I’m not sure.) It was free, easy to integrate if you already had a Github account, and gave us the ability to interact in real-time with our users without having to manage our own chat service. We did have an IRC channel for a while, but we didn’t get a lot of...

What it means to be CTO


It took a while for snipe to convince me to come on as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) here at Grokability. One of the biggest hurdles was the fact that she and I are married. I was convinced that, not only would that be a challenge, but that might spell the end of my career – I didn’t want to be the guy who could “only get hired by his own wife.”It took her a few years to be able to...

Cultivate Happier Customers in 2022


photo licensed under CC We here at Grokability frequently ask ourselves, “Are we a software company or are we are support company?” After all, our flagship product, Snipe-IT, is open-source asset management software that anyone can download and install for free, so what are folks paying us for? (Don’t get us wrong, we’re very thankful that you do!) Of course, lots of Snipe...

On the Importance of Being Conscious


“If you create a great place to work, great work takes place.”Ben Peterson, CEO, BambooHR To this day, a shocking number of big and small companies alike not only pay poor wages but maintain appalling work conditions and low ethical standards, disregarding their workers’ human rights (You know who you are!) Meanwhile, tons of studies affirm the benefits of a flexible work schedule on...

Snipe-IT at Laracon

Open Source in Business Interview

Snipe-IT at Longhorn PHP