Latest stories

Introducing GoodForms!


We’re thrilled to announce a new product in the Grokability family! Introducing GoodForms, a better way to verify email addresses. GoodForms isn’t just syntax validation, it’s powerful armor against polluted mail server IP spaces that comes from fake/spammy or typo’d email address signups. In it’s most simple form, it’s a drop-in line of javascript, but if you...

The Joys of Public Demos


As you likely know, we have two public demos of Snipe-IT, the version that’s on the master branch, and the version that’s on develop. We’ve had these public demos for years, so we’ve learned a thing or two about how people behave on public demos. 99% of the time, folks use the demos for their intended purpose, but that 1% can make things really annoying. We’ve seen...

Snipe-IT v7 Retrospective – What Worked, What We Could Have Done better


As you likely know by now, v7 of Snipe-IT dropped a few weeks ago. Those of you who have been with us for a long time know that those major version releases can be pretty tough. When you’re hoisting the underlying framework by several versions, upgrading dependencies, plus adding features, things can get messy fast. Making sure that we cover as many possible versions as possible for our...

The Unlikely Rise of Discord as a Support Channel


A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Snipe-IT used to use a chat platform called Gitter. (It might still exist, I’m not sure.) It was free, easy to integrate if you already had a Github account, and gave us the ability to interact in real-time with our users without having to manage our own chat service. We did have an IRC channel for a while, but we didn’t get a lot of...

Snipe-IT v7 is Out!


Finally! Whew! Today we released v7 of Snipe-IT. This release upgrades the underlying framework from Laravel 8 to Laravel 10, and also now makes Snipe-IT compatible up to v8.3 of PHP. (PHP 8.1 is still open for long term security support until Jan 1, 2026.) Each major release has its friction points, of course. Anybody who says otherwise is lying. As an open source project, we have to cover a lot...

Snipe-IT at Laracon

Open Source in Business Interview

Snipe-IT at Longhorn PHP