
Quick Update on polkit/pwnkit


The internet is alight this week with news of a widespread vulnerability in the Linux “policy kit” framework, specifically a root compromise via the pkexec program, designated CVE-2021-4034. Most of our systems do not fall under this advisory, and the ones that do have been fully patched. Of note, our Snipe-IT hosting systems were completely unaffected by this advisory.As always, we...

Notice of Hosted Snipe-IT IP address change


This October, we’ll be adding resources to our global fleet of systems hosting the Snipe-IT service for you, our awesome customers. With growth comes change, and hence the reason for this email.We’ll be adding new IP addresses to each of our hosting regions. In most cases that means that the IP address on which your installation lives will change. For most of our customers, this will make no...

Snipe-IT at Laracon

Open Source in Business Interview

Snipe-IT at Longhorn PHP