
LonghornPHP 2021


Grokability CTO Brady Wetherington gave his first conference talk (ever!) at LonghornPHP 2021 in Austin, TX in October about how the systems-sausage is made here at Grokability, and how to bootstrap a million-dollar open source SaaS business for just one dollar a customer per month. This talk gets into some of the the weeds of how our hosted platform works, some mistakes we made, some challenges...

Stumbling blocks or Stepping Stones


Stumbling blocks or stepping stones. It’s all in how you work with what you’ve got. Photo by Pixabay on Transitioning from my previous life in academia and the non-profit sector to the SaaS industry could certainly have involved plenty of chances to stumble… I was the first hire after all; no onboarding, no employee manual, I just dove right in. I didn’t want to disappoint...

Feel the Churn (But Preferably Not)


As a SAAS business, new customer acquisitions are obviously very important for the organization’s growth – but reducing churn is just as critical. While we don’t do any marketing (at all), our growth is generally consistent and predictable, with around 20-35 new Snipe-IT signups a week, predominantly hosted accounts, but certainly some support customers as well. We also usually...

The Awkwardness of Branding and Naming Things in Open Source SaaS


When I first made Snipe-IT over 7 years ago, it was a small project I created on my holiday break when I was the CTO of an ad agency in New York City. Asset Management mattered to me, and every other piece of software I found that did what I needed was awful, overpriced, or both. I never imagined it would be so important to so many other folks as well, so I wasn’t thinking about it as...

Interview on RedHat’s Open Source Business Channel


I was fortunate enough to be invited to be interviewed on the RedHat Open Source Business series along with Roberto Galoppini, Director of Strategy for FileZilla. In 2 hours, join us for Boot-strapping an Open Source Company with @snipeyhead & @galoppini Get your spot at ; Open Source in Business (@ossinbusiness) November 3, 2020 Dave Neary is a top notch interviewer, and it was fascinating...

Snipe-IT at Laracon

Open Source in Business Interview

Snipe-IT at Longhorn PHP