This is just a quick update on where we’re at with v5 of Snipe-IT. We’re currently 37% complete with our milestone tasks and getting closer every day. That leaves us with just 22 open issues until a release is in sight!
Our current tentative milestone goal is September 15, which is just under a month away!
IMPORTANT: This version of Snipe-IT requires PHP 7.1.3 or greater.
Changes Completed
- Added attempted logins admin screen
- Added better support for NFC/RFID/Barcode scanners in select boxes
- Added ability to trigger password reset emails for users
- Added Raspbian 9.4 to installer
- Added department to user import
- Added php version check to upgrade.php
- Added check for minimum PHP version in setup
- Fixed #6004 – set a default next_audit_date if none provided
- Fixed #6011 – use correct file created at date
- Limit width of title logo so it doesn’t break with long names
- Fixed #6013 – add accessory checkout notes to detail page
- Fixed #5964 – Group IDs can be now be passed to user creation API
- Fixed bug where checkout right-side menu would display assets checked out to non-users with the same ID
- Fixed DBAL issue affecting MariaDB 10.2.7 or greater
- Fixed #6029 – Model number not appearing in checkin/checkout emails
- Fixes #6016 – Check for an existing username before getting creative
- Fixed – Only allow activated users to reset their password
- Fixed – Set activated checkbox to 1 by default on new user
- Fixed #6082 – don’t show expected checkin in email if none given
Documentation Additions
- Added Notifications Overview
Introducing our first training video!
Folks have been asking for more in-depth training than just the user’s manual, and we’re answering the call. Behold, our first of what will hopefully be many more Snipe-IT user training videos.
Snipe-IT is a pretty complex application, so it will take us a while to cover everything (especially since we add new features all the time), but we’re pleased to present you with an in-depth “Turbo Tutorial” that walks you through how custom fields and custom fieldsets wotk in Snipe-IT.

We hope you enjoy it!