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Time to Upgrade to PHP7


This is just an advanced heads up that we’ll be requiring PHP7 in the next major release of Snipe-IT. While that won’t be for another few months, we wanted to give everyone adequate time to get their systems upgraded, as Snipe-IT version 5 will require at least PHP7.1.3. PHP7 has been out for quite some time (Dec 2015), so we’re hoping this won’t cause too many issues for...

Choosing a Model for Your Open Source Business


When I explain to people that I run a business writing free, open source software, most people look at me like I’m an alien. Understandably so. It’s weird and confusing to those who aren’t knee-deep in it. It works, and it’s great when it works, but there are some unique challenges that this type of business introduces – namely, how do you prevent your business from...

Snipe-IT at Laracon

Open Source in Business Interview

Snipe-IT at Longhorn PHP