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Stumbling blocks or Stepping Stones


Stumbling blocks or stepping stones. It’s all in how you work with what you’ve got. Photo by Pixabay on Transitioning from my previous life in academia and the non-profit sector to the SaaS industry could certainly have involved plenty of chances to stumble… I was the first hire after all; no onboarding, no employee manual, I just dove right in. I didn’t want to disappoint...

Feel the Churn (But Preferably Not)


As a SAAS business, new customer acquisitions are obviously very important for the organization’s growth – but reducing churn is just as critical. While we don’t do any marketing (at all), our growth is generally consistent and predictable, with around 20-35 new Snipe-IT signups a week, predominantly hosted accounts, but certainly some support customers as well. We also usually...

Introducing GoodForms!


We’re thrilled to announce a new product in the Grokability family! Introducing GoodForms, a better way to verify email addresses. GoodForms isn’t just syntax validation, it’s powerful armor against polluted mail server IP spaces that comes from fake/spammy or typo’d email address signups. In it’s most simple form, it’s a drop-in line of javascript, but if you...

Snipe-IT v5.1.0 Released


Hello friends! Lots and lots of small fixes for you in this release. We’re jazzed to announce that we’ve made some big improvements on the dark mode skins, improved the UX and UI of the login and forgotten password screens, added the long-awaited feature to change an asset’s status on checkout (deployable status labels only), and fixed the double-encoding on...

Neat Crontab Tool


Crontabs are important to many systems, and are SO easy to monkey up, especially if you don’t have to change them often.

If you find yourself struggling with remembering the order of the numbers, check out this handy tool at

Snipe-IT at Laracon

Open Source in Business Interview

Snipe-IT at Longhorn PHP