CategorySnipe-IT Releases

Snipe-IT v5.0.11 Released


Happy Tuesday! Just a small bug fix release that should make SAML debugging a little easier and fix a few minor bugs. Fixed Fixed typo on route for licensesFixed #8147 – allow webp image format for public file uploadsFixed #8472 (again) – LDAP sync was assigning a bad default location (#8846)Only overwrite notes if the LDAP user is newAdded LDAP flag in users GET...

Snipe-IT v5.0.10 Released


Happy Monday, friends 🙂 This is a bug fix release that tightens up some UI stuff, fixes an issue with the location importer parent locations, and (hopefully) puts to bed an issue we’ve been seeing with Okta users who are trying to use the LDAP sync utility. We also fixed an issue where the email logo that was uploaded wasn’t being honored in the actual emails that were sent. Fixed...

Snipe-IT v5.0.9 Released


Happy Tuesday again, friends 🙂 Sorry for the double release today, but we discovered a conflict with the new asset counter in the sidenav and the SAML integration, since the SAML routes are loaded as a service provider. This change wouldn’t affect you unless you access the SAML settings, but it’s a teeny tiny update, so it’s worth patching in. Effectively, the middleware that...

Snipe-IT v5.0.7 Released


Happy Tuesday, everyone! This is a bug fix release that should handle a bunch of smaller UI bugs, and will hopefully help with some LDAP quirkiness you’ve all been kind enough to document and report for us. Note: We did miss updating version.php to reflect that this is from the master branch, so it may be confusing to see developinstead of master in your Snipe-IT...

Snipe-IT v5.0.6 Released


This is a small point release that adds a little extra functionality for extending the life of your API keys. Keys prior to this version will expire in one year, however we’ve added a much longer expiration for these now, which defaults to 20 years. If you’d like to override this with a shorter (or longer) expiration, add API_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_YEARS=X (where X is the number of years...

Snipe-IT at Laracon

Open Source in Business Interview

Snipe-IT at Longhorn PHP