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LonghornPHP 2021


Grokability CTO Brady Wetherington gave his first conference talk (ever!) at LonghornPHP 2021 in Austin, TX in October about how the systems-sausage is made here at Grokability, and how to bootstrap a million-dollar open source SaaS business for just one dollar a customer per month. This talk gets into some of the the weeds of how our hosted platform works, some mistakes we made, some challenges...

Join our Discord Server!


After many years of using Gitter for real-time chat with our users, we’re pleased to announce our move over to Discord. Gitter has treated us well, but Discord gives us a little more tooling and flexibility. We’ve been running it in beta for the past few weeks, and the response has been terrific so far. We’ve even got a channel for GoodForms in case you have any implementation...

Notice of Hosted Snipe-IT IP address change


This October, we’ll be adding resources to our global fleet of systems hosting the Snipe-IT service for you, our awesome customers. With growth comes change, and hence the reason for this email.We’ll be adding new IP addresses to each of our hosting regions. In most cases that means that the IP address on which your installation lives will change. For most of our customers, this will make no...

Snipe-IT v6 Roadmap


Howdy everyone – I hope everyone has been keeping safe during these trying times. I just wanted to give you all a kind of rough roadmap for what the next few months hold for us, the features we’re hoping to get into v6 of Snipe-IT, and what that timeline looks like. Please make sure you’re upgraded to PHP 7.4 or higher before Snipe-IT v6 launches. Timeline We’re...

Laravel Validation Options – Model, Form Request or Livewire?


Validation is one of those tiresome things that is archaic and should have been solved for good already, but because there are so many use-cases and scenarios – and therefore options – it can be tough to figure out which is the right solution to the problem at hand. As often happens in Laravel, we have a multitude of possible ways to handle validation. The most straightforward way is...

Snipe-IT at Laracon

Open Source in Business Interview

Snipe-IT at Longhorn PHP